Jacob • Laura • Dean • Oliver • James • Katie

Gospel to the unreached.
Discipleship for the saints.
Love for the orphan.

Jacob and Laura have faithfully and zealously served in various ministry positions including children and youth pastors, deacon, missions and outreach leaders as well as several others. In 2020 their hearts started to burn for the mission field and the unreached peoples and places in the dark forgotten corners of the world. After five years of prayer, short-term volunteer trips to Mexico and long-range support they were led to move to the mission field of Central Mexico to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jacob is from Northern Missouri and Laura is from the Mexican state of Queretaro. Laura and Jacob met in 2006 in Mexico while Jacob was studying abroad to complete his undergraduate degrees in International Business and Spanish. Afterwards Laura moved to Missouri to complete her undergraduate degree, and they have raised their family in Southwest Missouri for the last 15 years. Jacob and Laura have 4 children, Dean (13), Oliver (11), James (4) and Katie (2). Everyone in the family speaks Spanish fluently and is excited about the transition to the mission field in June 2025.


Our mission is to provide gospel access to the unreached and discipleship to the saints; to fill the heart of the orphan with the love of the Father.

What We'll Be Doing

Our mission is a threefold compounding mission seeking to multiply the sowing of the Word of God by (1.) providing access to the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in Central and Southern Mexico. Gospel witness is extremely rare in these parts of the continent. We will provide Gospel access in many ways including preaching in rehab houses, street evangelism, public skits, community enrichment efforts and by working in the communities to establish Gospel gatherings (2.) We will be providing discipleship to pockets of believers by teaching, raising up and studying the Word of God. We will do this to help those who do not have current discipleship to become stronger and more mature in their faith that they may begin to compound healthily the fruit of the Gospel as Paul exemplified in his church planting and maintenance. Theses saints will be able to raise up through discipleship training and practice. (3.) We will be working with orphans in current orphanages and on the streets. A part of our long-term plan is to found an orphanage where all will be raised in the steadfast love of Jesus. Our work with orphans will include teaching, skits, and youth ministry. We will focus on teaching them of the Father who will never leave them nor forsake them.

Ways to Give


Our online giving is through the Mission Enablers International platform.

  1. Click the link below
  2. Enter designation code LJ4137 to partner with Jacob and Laura Brower
  3. Select “Monthly Gift” with your desired start date
  4. Complete remaining information


  1. Click “Give” below
  2. Click “Pay or Request”
    To: @browerjyl
    Enter “Missions” for “What’s this for?”
  3. Click “Pay”
  4. If requested enter “3045” for last 4 digits of phone number


Make checks out to Harold Baptist Church and put “Brower Missions” in Memo section.

Checks can be mailed to:

Harold Baptist Church
10110 N. Farm Rd. 51
Walnut Grove, MO 65770

Our Newsletter


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Our Location

The Brower family will be moving to San Juan del Rio, Queretaro, Mexico. San Juan del Rio sits at 6,300 feet of elevation and is in the very center of Mexico, about 1.5 hours Northwest of Mexico City. The city of San Juan del Rio (SJDR) Mexico has approximately 300,000 residents. Due to the less than 2% Christians in this large region and lack of gospel and witness access, missiologists have coined the title, “The Circle of Silence” and San Juan del Rio is in the center of the Circle of Silence.

SJDR has a pandemic of fatherlessness and of orphans as 63% of the households in the area are fatherless. Other religions and practices include various pagan religions, the worship of Saint Death, Roman Catholicism and wide blends of syncretistic practices. The Browers will also be serving small remote pockets of Christians in Central and Southern Mexico where geographical access is difficult and access to the gospel and discipleship is rare.